The Program

The iMPaCT-implants program has a vision: to create a new generation of personalized implants. iMPaCT-implants represents a crucial step towards market readiness with a special focus on addressing the needs of stakeholders and deliver custom solutions to patients. 
This innovative initiative harnesses the potential of cutting-edge digital technology, including 3D imaging, and integrates patient-specific data such as bite force, walking patterns, and other movements. Therefore, this consortium aspires to set a standard for medical implants within the European Union, making implant solutions a reality for patients.

The University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), in collaboration with the ENTEG Institute of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the University of Groningen, and regional companies WiTEC Innovating Together, Bether Encapsulates, BAAT Medical and PolyVation, have secured a substantial 3.7 MLN EUR regional grant from the Just Transition Fund (JTF) to start the program iMPaCT-implants and a total project size of 7.3 MLN EUR.

The Just Transition Fund provides essential support, advancing the green and sustainable development of the Drenthe, Groningen, and Fryslân Provinces, the Municipality of Emmen, and the Northern Labour Market regions. The fund is co-financed by the European Union and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and is made available by the regional funding agency Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN), with support from the Province and Municipality of Groningen.

An Innovative Future with iMPaCT-Implants

This grant signifies a monumental step towards a healthier and more innovative future, and the iMPaCT-implants consortium is determined to drive this vision forward.
Significant contribution is provided from the industrial sector by the regional companies of WiTEC Innovating Together, specialized in the manufacturing of medical devices, BAAT Medical with expertise on the process for  concept development to product certification, clinical evaluation and manufacturing, and Bether Encapsulates, which specialised in encapsulation technology for controlled release of active compounds. The company PolyVation, as non-beneficiary partner, also joins with their expertise in customized synthesis and manufacturing of biomedical and pharmaceutical polymers.

UMCG and RUG bring invaluable knowledge in the field of clinical treatments, digital imaging techniques and materials and design. UMCG, as the program coordinator, is involved with the clinical and research Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and 3DLab with the groups led by Prof. Max Witjes and Ass. Prof. Joep Kraeima together with the teams of Dr. Frank IJpma from Trauma Surgery and Prof. Paul Jutte from Orthopaedics.
The Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department is represented by Ass. Prof. Gyuri Halmos together with Dr. Jasper Wachters. From the Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Prof. Dirk-Jan Slebos is involved. From the field of biomaterial science, the group of Ass. Prof. Patrick van Rijn from Biomedical Engineering will work together with Dr. Martijn Verhagen, UMCG radiologist.
From the University of Groningen, the Engineering and Technology Institute (ENTEG) from the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering is represented by the group led by Asst. Prof. Anastasiia Krushynska.

The UMCG Innovation Centre is the researchers’ starting point for healthcare innovation, offering expertise and a wide network of partners. The Innovation Centre guides projects and helps to create societal impact through various means which include implementation, education, startups, research, and innovation communities. The UMCG Innovation Centre will be involved in the program management and in knowledge transfer for the iMPaCT-implants program.