The first event:
old links reinforced and new connections made!

Event summary post

June 11 2024

Watch the After Movie here!

A promising start for the program that looks at the future of medical technology in Northern Netherlands.

The Impact-implants program had his first annual event on 10th June 2024 with the title: 3D-technology for Personalised Implants: How could you connect?

The project coordinators and the attendees had the chance to exchange about ambitions in the field of medical technology and shared on common challenges and bottlenecks. A group of  about 45 people was present with complementary expertise and various career levels.

The program started with an introduction by Joep Kraeima, the program leader, on the ambitions of Impact-implants. The event continued  with presentations about 3 of the 6 research lines. Nick Assink from the UMCG 3DLab explained how the process for the new generations on implants should aim to be, in collaboration with the company partners BAAT Medical and WITEC. Patrick van Rijn from UMCG Biomaterials & Biomedical Technology  explains the ambitions in controlled release of antimicrobials applied to catheters to prevent and control infections, in collaboration with Radiology and Bether Encapsulates. Anastasiia Krushynska from the RUG ENTEG Institute  Faculty of Science and Engineering, introduced her project goals towards the development of new structures of material for implants to prevent bone resorption.

The second part of the program, facilitated by Jan Willem Veldsink from the UMCG Innovation Center and Gerald Jonker, RUG Head Engineering Systems and Design Group​,  included a brainstorm sessions in small groups to collect input and perspectives on the future of personalised medicine and the innovating changes in the production chain to account for.

We would like to thank all the speakers for their presentations and the participants for the discussion. We thank HTRIC for the support in the organization, the van SwinderenHuys for the logistics at location and @Wildsea for the media support.

The program is made possible by the Just Transition fund made available by the European Union,  by  Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat en Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN).  The program management is performed by UMCG Innovation Center.

For more information about Impact-implants, please visit the program page, the project page and the partner page.